The production opens with A Simple Task, by Alan Haehnel. Empie has a simple first assignment at her new job: Retrieve a box of merchandise for the Boss. But what do you do when the box is blocked by a parade of confusing characters, your Boss keeps changing identities, and your whole career starts to feel absurd?
The second play, Dolphin by Jonathan Dorf, comes from a collection of ten-minute plays called The Bullying Collection. When Petra is complicit in a cyberbullying attack against her best friend David, their friendship is put to the ultimate test. A tender drama that explores the limits of friendship and the consequences of not speaking up. Because of language and subject matter, this play may not be suitable for all ages.
The final play is the comedy, 10 Reasons You Should Have Stayed Home Sick Today, by E.M. Bell. Nostalgic for your high school days? Then you haven’t been there lately. Take a tour of high school’s everyday horrors, from the dreaded surprise test to the battle for a bus seat, courtesy of an ensemble of students who play everyone from the tone-deaf choir kid to the teacher who talks at a snail’s pace. Yeah, you’re definitely gonna wish you took a sick day.
Don’t miss “A Night of One-Acts”, three shows for the price of one!!